2. GIT Repository

The source code of DATAGERRY is managed in a GIT repository on GitHub:

2.1. Branches

We use several branches in our GIT repository:


The development of DATAGERRY is done in this branch. Every new feature, bugfix, … should be commited to that branch.


Branch with a stable version of DATAGERRY. All integration tests and CI should have been passed before merging the development branch into master. A merge of development to master will usually be done at the end of a sprint.


Version branches should be created for every minor version, e.g. version-1.2 or version-1.5. It should branch from master. For each released version (e.g. 1.2.1), a tag should be set on a version branch. Bugfixes can be added to a version branch to prepare for a new bugfix release (e.g. 1.2.2)

2.2. Creating a Release

Releases should be versioned using Semantic Versioning.

To create a release, do the following steps:

  1. create a version-<minorversion> (e.g. version-1.2) branch from master

  2. set a tag with the full version number (e.g. 1.2.1) on the last commit on that branch

To create a bugfix release of an existing version, do the following steps:

  1. merge bugfixes in an exitsing version-<minorversion> branch

  2. set a tag with the full version number (e.g. 1.2.1) on the last commit on that branch